One of my favorite things is when I get to work with clients multiple times. This shoot made me realize that EVERYONE should do an intimate snuggle lifestyle session before they get married. It’s amazing how much you can learn about a couple during an intimate snuggle lifestyle session. These sessions go beyond just capturing […]
The Allphin family… how stinking cute are they? As you probably know by now, I absolutely love photographing other photographers. It’s always so refreshing and always such a compliment. Courtney and her family are the absolute cutest and always look like they strolled out of a GAP catalog. It was such a fun night hanging […]
I just don’t even know what to say about these two. They never cease to amaze me. Along our journey leading up to their big day, I’ve been fortunate enough to become closer to these two amazing people! The love they share is unmatched. It’s beautiful, kind, patient, strong, raw, and completely genuine. Whenever we […]